Nintendo 3DS chiude i negozi Wii U uccide la proprietà dei giochi classici


foto: nintendo

nella posta Intitolato “Wii U e Nintendo 3DS eShop fuori produzione”Nintendo ha appena annunciato che a marzo 2023 le vetrine online per entrambe le piattaforme smetteranno di funzionare.

Ma in pratica, gli arresti inizieranno molto prima di così:

Dal 23 maggio 2022 non sarà più possibile utilizzare una carta di credito per aggiungere denaro a un account in un Nintendo eShop sulla famiglia di console Wii U o Nintendo 3DS.

Dal 29 agosto 2022, non sarà più possibile utilizzare la Nintendo eShop Card per aggiungere denaro a un account in un Nintendo eShop sulla famiglia di console Wii U o Nintendo 3DS. Tuttavia, i codici di download saranno ancora utilizzabili fino alla fine di marzo 2023.

In termini di persone che giocano e si divertono con i giochi che già possiedono, Nintendo afferma:

Anche dopo la fine di marzo 2023, per il prossimo futuro, sarà ancora possibile scaricare nuovamente giochi e contenuti scaricabili, ricevere aggiornamenti software e divertirsi con i giochi online su Wii U e sulla famiglia di console Nintendo 3DS.

All of this is expected stuff. The 3DS is 11 years old this year and the Wii U ten, so digital store closures were always going to happen sooner or later. What’s shitty about these closures in particular, though, is that both shopfronts offered users the ability to purchase and then own many of Nintendo’s greatest ever titles, something you’re now largely unable to do ever since the company switched to a subscription model with Nintendo Switch Online.

The company saw this coming. When the blog post was first made, an associated FAQ had the following exchange:

Once it is no longer possible to purchase software in Nintendo eShop on Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS family of systems, many classic games for past platforms will cease to be available for purchase anywhere. Will you make classic games available to own some other way? If not, then why? Doesn’t Nintendo have an obligation to preserve its classic games by continually making them available for purchase?

Across our Nintendo Switch Online membership plans, over 130 classic games are currently available in growing libraries for various legacy systems. The games are often enhanced with new features such as online play.

We think this is an effective way to make classic content easily available to a broad range of players. Within these libraries, new and longtime players can not only find games they remember or have heard about, but other fun games they might not have thought to seek out otherwise.

We currently have no plans to offer classic content in other ways.

“We currently have no plans to offer classic content in other ways” is an incredibly shitty thing to read, because under zero circumstances is a subscription-based model an acceptable substitution to actually owning a game.

Especially wild, then, is the fact that not long after publishing this, Nintendo wiped that particular section of the Q&A from its site. Vai e dai un’occhiata ora e “Nintendo non è impegnata a preservare i suoi giochi classici rendendoli costantemente disponibili per l’acquisto?” parte andata.

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